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crossword 23052016
What did the skeleton tell the doctor in the club? …Crossword!
Size of crossword: 16×9
Published: 22. 5. 2016
Published: 22. 5. 2016
crossword 16052016
Q: Why couldn't Dracula's wife get to sleep? A: …Crossword.
Size of crossword: 16×9
Published: 15. 5. 2016
Published: 15. 5. 2016
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crossword 09052016
Scientists have discovered a food that diminishes a woman's sex drive by 90%. …Crossword.
Size of crossword: 16×9
Published: 8. 5. 2016
Published: 8. 5. 2016
crossword 02052016
How to be Insulting in Church: Sing out of tune in all the hymns and try singing half …crossword.
Size of crossword: 16×9
Published: 1. 5. 2016
Published: 1. 5. 2016
crossword 25042016
A mother said to her son, „Look at that kid over there; he's not misbehaving.“ The son replied, „…Crossword!"
Size of crossword: 16×9
Published: 24. 4. 2016
Published: 24. 4. 2016